A year ago, my best friend and I made a 'resolution' to start blogging. Both of us fell way short of accomplishing that resolution. Back in August I decided to get a blog design set up, since I felt that was holding me back. Still, no blogging. The thing I think I've struggled with most, is how to start? Well, as the quote above (from singer Brad Paisley) says, today is the first blank page in a book just waiting to be filled. So, here I go.
I remember waiting for the start of 2012 with great anticipation. 2011 had been a rough year for me, as I was met with much heartache, loss, and change that felt severely negative and painful. I can't say that 2012 started off well, but it evened out as the year went. I had some truly wonderful moments in the past year, moments that I wouldn't trade for anything.
As I look forward to 2013, I don't want to put too much pressure on myself or the year as a whole. However, I also am afraid of waking up a year from now feeling as if nothing has changed. I can't say at this moment exactly what changes I want to see, but I'm working on clarifying that for myself, and I simply hope to look back a year from now and be proud of the way that I spent my time and energy in 2013.
I've decided that I don't want to set any resolutions for myself. I think that the phrase 'New Year's Resolutions' has a negative connotation and will simply open me up for failure. Instead, I've decided to outline some 'intentions' for myself and my year. Some of them may be specific, some more vague, some I am confident that I can achieve, and some I'm afraid of.
1. Change. I think this is the word that I'm choosing as my 'one little word' for 2013 (a concept from Ali Edwards.) It's not to say that I want to change the person I am, or change my life so much that I don't recognize it. I do, however, want to be open to change. I want to be ready for change in a way that makes me open to new or changing relationships, open to new endeavors in business, and open to potential changes of scenery. I can't say with clarity that any or all of these things will change in the next year, because so much of it is outside my control, but I want to be open to change in these parts of my life.
2. Nature. This morning, I had the opportunity to sit alone on a beach and reflect for a while. As I looked back on 2012, I realized that many of my favorite moments from the past year were when I stepped away from work, and home, and technology and reconnected with nature. In 2013, I intend to make more time to connect with nature. This could mean a hike on the mountain close to my house, a trip to Yosemite, a walk on the beach, or adventures in new beautiful places. It's not always easy to make time to escape the day-to-day, but I intend to do my best.
3. Adventure. In some ways, this is similar to my 'nature' intention, and in some ways it is different. I intend to open myself up to new experiences, adventures, and travels in 2013. I'm on the right path already, as I'm traveling to Hawaii for the first time in just 22 days! There are also plans in the works for a Europe trip in Summer 2013. Sometimes though, adventure doesn't mean going far. I want to explore close to home and try new things, because that's what life is all about.
4. Stability. Many of my other intentions hinge on finding ways to make myself more stable financially. I admittedly have poor money habits, and I simply need to work harder in this department, so that I'm able to run off on crazy adventures! Finding stability, however, may require me to make some risks, and I'm okay with that.
5. Write and Read. I've been a student for so many years, and have spent so much time reading and writing for school, that I have all but abandoned my personal reading and writing. This blog should help in the writing department, if I stick to it! I also want to handwrite more letters to send by snail mail, who doesn't love getting letters? In addition, I want to read for pleasure again! Once I get into this, perhaps I'll do some recaps and reviews of books on my blog.
6. Do more things I love. This one can be a bit of an umbrella intentions that fits with "Nature," "Adventure," and "Write and Read." It's more than that though. I really enjoy taking photos, and I would like to develop that skill further, and use my big camera more. I'll share photos here, I promise! Crafting of different outlets is another thing I love, and I hope to find more time to create and make things for myself and my family and friends.
7. Health and Fitness. I don't want this to be like everyone's cliche "go to the gym" or "eat healthy" resolutions. As it is, I workout 4+ times each week and eat what many consider a super healthy diet (more about that later). In 2013, I intend to clean up my eating habits further, and improve in my fitness endeavors. This really deserves it's own post, so I'll share more soon.
I think this pretty much sums up my intentions for 2013. Some of these are tangible, and others are very difficult to measure. I just hope to read this again in a year, and feel a sense of accomplishment!
What are your intentions for 2013? I'd love to hear!
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